Category Archives: Clothes & Shopping

The perfect pair..

There’s something about the fit and look of the perfect pair of jeans – on yourself or someone else – that just makes you feel so good (perving or otherwise).  And you can never have too many pairs of jeans. A wardrobe staple if ever there was one.
The most comfortable pair of jeans I had?  Second hand 501’s. Pre loved so already worn and soft, and oh so comfortable.
Gone are the days where you walk into a shop and pick out your size and that’s it.
There is something for everyone depending on what you like, and for women the choices keep going. Want to hold in your gut or enbrace those womanly curves, there’s a pair for that. Slim, straight, skinny or bootleg, low, mid and high rise, colours range from the palest blue to the darkest navy and black.
How hard is it? Way too hard. Although for me this week. Not that bad after all.

I wasn’t planning on buying a pair of jeans, but simply wandering aimlessly through shops because I could. But with a friendly and very helpful sales assistant, it was hard to not to.
She laughed when I said there were too many choices. But then asked what it was I liked, colour (light to med blue), leg (straight or bootleg), where it sat on my hips (midrise) and size (not telling).
I got two styles. One  was…too small somehow while the other fit nicely (a little on the big size).
Oh, ok, can I have these next size down in these. That’s so much better.

Not since 10 years ago have I had a pair of jeans that fit so nicely, look good and make me feel good.
It seems the curve embracer’s fit my shape nicely enough and the length is perfect. Down to my heel.  I like a long leg.

I am definitely getting another one of these… now should I wait another month or so and see if I can get the next size down again…?
Go check out your nearest Jeanswest store for more.

something like this, although I wasn't wearing heels.

something like this, although I wasn’t wearing heels.

DO you have a perfect pair of jeans?

A new winter wardrobe…

Everyone knows I love clothes. And bright colours. I have now found – thanks to two friends – the home of my new winter wardrobe.
Keshet. A bright and funky wild shop in the city which sells amazing Tasmanian designed clothes. Insane colours, insane patterns and oh so comfortable. The price is dealable, which makes it even more desireable.
One such friend is now selling these clothes at our local market. After all she totally rocks the crazy patterns and loud clothes, so it is perfect she is selling them. And given the fact I think she buys all her clothes from there already.

I had bought a wrap top from them a month ago, hot pink no less. And a few weeks ago found a gorgeous dark teal cap sleeve wrap top – it brings out my eyes apparently – that is super comfortable and easy to wear over a long sleeve top in cooler weather or with a tank top when it warm.

While I love bright colours, I am not a fan of out there patterns, I just don’t have the confidence to pull it off, not like Rachel. Which is funny, coz she said to me today the bright blue jeans I wore were more out there than any of the crazy patterns she was selling, and she just couldn’t do it. Go figure. I was not at all worried, or self conscious of the colour. Maybe the patterns make me feel like a hippy left over from the 70’s…?

Checking out her rack (ahem, clothes) I found some gorgeous new items and will be doing some serious saving I think. I am more of the plain clothes with a bright accent to stand out, or a basic pattern with a bright highlight. I’ll be the one wearing the dark skirt or skants with basic grey scale pattern with a hot pink, or bright red wrap top. Or maybe my bright blue jeans with a plain poncho.

Should I, could I, wear the hot pink wrap with my bright blue jeans… You won’t miss me then. Or is it just asking people to look??

20130310-223057.jpg love these ponchos, in muted colours (I saw purple, brown, black, navy) an oh so comfy outfit topper.

20130310-223214.jpgI have the hot pink one of these.

20130310-223305.jpgfunky bright patterns, but I would prefer something more like this…

And looking a little dishevelled after a full day out and about… My teal Keshet top over black long sleeve top and my bright blue jeans (accessorised with black and silver jewellery and black flats).


Bright clothes in winter? You bet. Black is boring, neutrals are nothing, but colour will bring a smile to your face.
Jen 🙂

You can also check out the Keshet website and my other post over at Woodbridge Market.

from drab to Fab!! from wubbish to Wearable!!

I love free stuff, bonus with purchase etc… of course I am always careful with my choices ‘do I read that magazine?’ ‘will I use that scarf?’
Actually, the scarf I got, I have never used. Ever. Magazine has gone by the wayside, and the never worn scarf has travelled with me everywhere. Why. I really don’t know. It’s a latte/bone/light brown colour and quite long.  A basic neutral scarf.  With pockets to keep your hands warm.  But itchy as all buggery.  So why didn’t i throw it out?  No idea.  For some reason I just love that scarf.

It looks soft doesn’t it? That’s what mum said til she tried it on herself – it came off pretty quick though.  Materials used, polyester, nylon ?? and wool.
scarf - polyester, nylon, ??, wool.

I got it out the other day and decided to wear it – ~shudders~ “now I remember why I don’t, itchy silly scarf”  But, being in the frame of mind I was/am, next time I saw mum I asked if we could dye a piece of material and I could sew it on as a lining… bingo!

Long story short: we dyed several pieces that I could take my pick from. A little experimentation.  When wet, they look quite different, because the one that I didn’t like wet was the best one dry.
I went for a colour that was similar but richer as the scarf, I still wanted it to be a basic neutral one to wear.  So a rich dark brown it was. And it is perfect.
It was then ironed, cut and (borrowing mum’s machine) sewn onto the scarf.

Trying it on, I can see it’s going to become a favourite accessory.. (go figure?) comfy and warm, just the way it should be.  The original scarf was soft and squishy, it is now still soft but holds it’s shape better as it’s firmer.

I love it. Thanks mum!

Keep warm, or stay cool and be comfortable 😀

Mini shopping trip….

Todays shopping expedition yielded a new handbag and fridge….


Keep smiling 🙂

You choose the topic…

This week, next week, and the week after… as long at it takes I spose.

I wont say I’ve run out of ideas, not at all, but I like a challenge.  So what you would like me to talk about.  Put my opinion to.  Go on.. stretch my mind,  get me outside the box.

Give me a subject, reasonably precise please, and I’ll do a post on it.  Is there something you want to know about me?  Be as controversial as you like.  I will try to do justice to each one.  Not much is off-limits, but I reserve the right to say no (I hope I don’t have to do that).

I don’t just want a subject like, Animals.  That’s too general.  More along the lines of  ‘What are your favourites’,  ‘are you a dog or cat person’.  That sort of thing.

I can mumble away to myself composing while I sew bags, make jewellery, do housework and deal with kids.  A post a day (where possible) for as many topics as comes my way.

Keep smiling 🙂
