Tag Archives: apple pie

Apple Pie

Mr 15 arrived home yesterday with the announcement “I have apple pie!”.

Cooking class done and we get dessert.
Very nice it was too.




Have a good day.

School bake day


Yesterday I was informed that in today’s cooking class Mr 15 would be making chocolate cake and needed a container to bring it home in.
And not just any chocolate cake, this one had apple in it. Cool.

And this is what arrived at around 3.30 this afternoon.
The apple and cinnamon give it an almost gingerbready  taste.  It’s more like an apple pie with cake instead of pastry, and very tasty. I’ve requested told him that I need the recipe, please.
This is definitely one I will make for a dessert cake any time. Add custard and/or ice cream and I’m we’re set.

Til then, I’ll be waiting patiently.
Jen 🙂

Happy Fathers Day

On this bright and sunny Sunday, happy fathers day to fathers of all descriptions (father figures, uncles, step dads…).
Love always to my dad and husband for being the wonderful and caring fathers that they are.


Have a great day 😀