Tag Archives: stairs

The sheer cliffs of the Tasman Peninsula.

The Tasman Peninsula sticks out into the southern ocean and has some of the best cliff and wild waters you’ll find anywhere.  This is just around the corner, per se from Port Arthur.
And thoguh my photographic skills don’t quite capture the sheer enormity of the cliffs I think you’ll get the idea.

tesselated pavement.

tesselated pavement

really, not more stairs.... I've had enough already.

Then there is the devil’s kitchen…

sheer cliffs that make any person a bit queasy. Grreat views to the ocean though.

and the Blowhole (not quite blowing much any more though…maybe in winter she looks better)

looking through to the ocean

and Tasman Arch…

i like this one.

some of the sheer cliffs...

and the Hippolyte Rock.  Pretty impressive.

mega zoomed in...

and then from as you are standing on the shore…

ok, well zoomed in a bit. If I didn’t, you would barely be able to see it through the camera.

Keep smiling 🙂

From whoa to go in two days…

I have had writers block this week.  Ok, I am not a writer per se, but I have had nothing major, or particularly interesting to write about.  So, on the multiple choice of answers before me, I took the ‘write nothing’ option.

That and with the last few days being a tough time parenting wise… emotionally (doing my head in…aargh!) I had no desire at all to even open the laptop.  Flicked over things on my phone, but even that was half hearted.  I have read everyone’s blogs and enjoyed them as usual, just in no real frame to respond, sorry. 😦
But. Yesterday after helping my parents with some jobs I came upon some very cool items while ‘cleaning out the closet’ or rather space under the stairs and it gave me a fab idea for my next posting.  I will work on it gradually over a few days while at my sister’s place.

Then on the drive up here (we headed north-west, so it was ‘up’ and ‘across’) I had a few other ideas that might come across alright on the screen… we shall see though.

Hoping this finds all well and healthy, and keeping on smiling 🙂
