Tag Archives: few days

From whoa to go in two days…

I have had writers block this week.  Ok, I am not a writer per se, but I have had nothing major, or particularly interesting to write about.  So, on the multiple choice of answers before me, I took the ‘write nothing’ option.

That and with the last few days being a tough time parenting wise… emotionally (doing my head in…aargh!) I had no desire at all to even open the laptop.  Flicked over things on my phone, but even that was half hearted.  I have read everyone’s blogs and enjoyed them as usual, just in no real frame to respond, sorry. 😦
But. Yesterday after helping my parents with some jobs I came upon some very cool items while ‘cleaning out the closet’ or rather space under the stairs and it gave me a fab idea for my next posting.  I will work on it gradually over a few days while at my sister’s place.

Then on the drive up here (we headed north-west, so it was ‘up’ and ‘across’) I had a few other ideas that might come across alright on the screen… we shall see though.

Hoping this finds all well and healthy, and keeping on smiling 🙂
