Monarchy or Republic??

Time to get political.
I don’t do this normally, and for good reason.
But this has got me thinking, (and a little researching) and I want to know what you think.

As we all know the Royals have another heir and its opened that can of worms again.
Should Australia become a Republic?

What do I think?
Simplistic this may be – if it’s not broken, why change it.
But more importantly, exactly what will it do for us? and
How will it make Australia a better country if we do?

Am I a fence sitter? Yes, and I am not ashamed of saying so. If I don’t know all the facts then I can’t make an informed decision, and if I can understand both sides of an argument then I happily agree to disagree.

Are you Australian. By birthright, or a 2nd/3rd etc generation immigrant,
Are you an ex-pat – of Australia or another Commonwealth country?
Do you live in a Commonwealth country or an Independent/Republic country?

Whatever you answer to these, I want to know what you think – having a Monarch as Head of State or being an independent country?
For Australians, which way would have us?

Tell me everything. I want to know.
The good, the bad, the controversial, I welcome it.

25 responses to “Monarchy or Republic??

  1. I’m a lot things, but definitely not Aussie, so please forgive the slight ignorance of opinion. I think the way Australia’s connection to British monarchy works, it doesn’t really matter if the country is a monarchy or not: if the queen is not involved in the actual governing, and Australia is not paying to support British royals, not beholden to UK currency or laws, then I’m not sure what would change in practice if Australia declares independence.


  2. Republic supporter here! I’ll post more when I’m back on the mainland and out of holiday mode 🙂


  3. I’m an Australian resident, I live here under a working visa because I do a job that is needed, but I am Scottish IE, I’m a British citizen. I have lived here for a long time and I lived here when I was a child so I do blend in. I can’t say if you should be a republic or not but I can say that I think the sense of community the commonwealth brings to Great Britain is a wonderful thing and I think we would be poorer with out you.


    • I think you have a point there. A sense of community, a world community, is a good thing. Both our countries are an integral part of each other, you can’t change that. And we can move forward without having to be independent.


  4. I’m never quite sure of this terminology but I think I’m a 1st Gen Aussie because I’ve only been here since I was four. The thing is though, I /feel/ like a proper aussie, and I’m with you, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I like the form of government we have [most of the time]. I think it works well for us, and I can’t really see how becoming a republic would improve things. But that doesn’t mean I think we should stay a monarchy. The dismissal of the Whitlam Government in the 70’s still rankles. Why can’t we be a Federation without a Monarch?


  5. I guess then it must come back to politics and money. Does Australia fund a part of the Crown and does Commonwealth support Australia in any financial way. What would Australia loose/gain if it became a republic?

    I must say I’m for whichever is best for Australia. I absolutely loved it while I was there and would love to go back….to stay??? Well, I might if I could LOL


    • Money wise, we don’t pay for the Crown unless they are visiting us.
      I’m to sure how much the Commonwealth funds/supports each country.
      And that is my question. What are the benefits of not having the Monarchy Head of State.

      I’m all for whatever is best also, but where are the cold hard facts. W want more of those and less emotion.


  6. Hum- can’t really think why we in England need a monarchy much less a country on the other side of the globe needs them- but if you like them, well so be it! I suppose our attitude to Australia is a little like that to France- we will defend you to the hilts but we do love to win the Ashes! A bit like Siblings, so if that makes the monarchy the parents…


    • That’s an interesting way to look at it. I like it.
      Of course we BOTH love to win the ashes. Not sure ow we’d go in another war given the response to the current war we are vaguely involved in.


  7. I too am British and agree with theconnorsseur. I can’t speak for Australians, but the British kind of see Australians as ‘part of the family’. This is largely due to the monarchy.

    I wouldn’t particularly want to be governed by them, but I like having them around. They are better than politicians and movie stars anyway.


    • Thanks, Elaine, I’m not sure how much power the Queen has over your government, but here, she is not involved in everyday governing.
      Definitely a better option than many of the current politicians we have, and movie stars – are you having a dig at Arnie??


      • Hadn’t actually thought of Arnie, but a good example! Actually I think he might be alright but I’m not sure.

        The government is elected and the Queen grants her power to them. She also gives ‘royal assent’ to any new government bill that is passed and if she was really unhappy she could oust the government – but that would be a fairly drastic move.

        For the most part she seems to stand back and let the MPs get on with it, but retains a veto. It seems to work well.


      • At the end of the day she has the last word – if it’s needed, but like here, is not required otherwise.
        And yeah, Arnie is not too bad, could be a lot worse.


  8. I’m British (who is yet to visit Australia!) and although of course I can’t speak for what it feels like to be a citizen of a country whose head of state is the other side of the world, and everyone is entitled to their views, but I personally feel really, really proud of the connection we both share in the 21st Century that is the monarchy. Australia is a big part of British history, not least the Commonwealth today, and without it the Commowealth wouldn’t be the same!


    • Wow, that is an amazing thing to say. Thanks.
      I’m pretty sure that most of us don’t really think about this issue very often – aside from times like this of course.
      What I have heard is that the history is simply that and it is time to ‘cut the apron strings’. My question to that is why? W are still connected in such a way that being independent will not change anything. And I agree that we are an integral part of the Commonwealth.

      On an aside, for the Head of State issue, she is not part of the day to day running of the country, to me, that argument is null and void.


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