Tag Archives: queen

Monarchy or Republic??

Time to get political.
I don’t do this normally, and for good reason.
But this has got me thinking, (and a little researching) and I want to know what you think.

As we all know the Royals have another heir and its opened that can of worms again.
Should Australia become a Republic?

What do I think?
Simplistic this may be – if it’s not broken, why change it.
But more importantly, exactly what will it do for us? and
How will it make Australia a better country if we do?

Am I a fence sitter? Yes, and I am not ashamed of saying so. If I don’t know all the facts then I can’t make an informed decision, and if I can understand both sides of an argument then I happily agree to disagree.

Are you Australian. By birthright, or a 2nd/3rd etc generation immigrant,
Are you an ex-pat – of Australia or another Commonwealth country?
Do you live in a Commonwealth country or an Independent/Republic country?

Whatever you answer to these, I want to know what you think – having a Monarch as Head of State or being an independent country?
For Australians, which way would have us?

Tell me everything. I want to know.
The good, the bad, the controversial, I welcome it.