Category Archives: Books & Reading

Book vs e-reader

Don’t expect this to be some in depth analysis of each and which is better. My regular readers (hahaha, no pun intended) should know better than that.
Rather than wanting to put too many books on the iPad (loads of music’s so much better) I started seriously thinking about a kindle after seeing the new one out for a very cheap price. (plus I only got the 16GiPad, so no room for too any books)

I love to read and there is nothing better than curling up with a paperback on the couch in front of the fire, or snuggled in bed. A kindle kind of takes away the romance out of it. Even a killer thriller.

Book vs e-reader… ?

This was one of those things I had always wondered why you would bother… I had no need for one so I didn’t see the point. Naive, sure, but more of a lack of knowledge and understanding.

E-reader vs book…?

I’m not the best at Internet research. I find it a waste of time. No, rather, time I could be doing other things.
But research I did, and then went into my local Big W to see what they had and chat with the doufus on the counter. Not very helpful except to say that he new lots people with them and they loved them. He was, how shall I put it, not the sharpest tool in the shed, to be the lying-just-to-get-sales person.

Book vs e-reader..?

Needless to say I bought it. Would I be writing this if I hadn’t?
Do I have to say it? I love it.
Sure I only got the WIFI one and it will only hold 1400 books but I love it.
What?! ONLY 1400 books. Surely I don’t need more than that? I think it would take me a while to read that many anyway to worry about another 1600.

Now while I can see the point of the new kindle with colour (pictures anyone?) or the one with a built in key pad, hell even the ‘touch’ one. This is the one I was spoked to get. I just want it to fill with books to read. Nothing more, no net surfing or anything. Don’t need colour to read a book. I don’t anyway. WIFI is all I need, upload at home – and they lied too, well so far, it’s all lies. They said books downloaded in a 60 sec. More like 10! Lol – and then keep it in my bag for reading anytime I like.

I’ve already read 2 books and there are about 25 more there ready to go. And I love it Not, yes you read that right, Not, having a touch pad. It won’t get bumped accidentally and flip about the pages or anywhere.

E-reader vs book…?

Each definitely has their place. It comes down really to personal choice. D you not have room to have lots of bookcases? Or don’t want them. Then yes, you should get one.
Do lots of traveling? Even better. No heavy books to lug around and break your back. Like to read but no room to hide a book at work, it’s perfect.

It is also tiny!! Really, no bigger than my hand. Ok, a little bigger, but it sits comfortably in my hand Plus the battery will last up to two months depending on use. That’s cool, I will probably forget all about it until I need the charger when I have no where to plug it in.

I will still enjoy my actual books, there are several I have bought and not read yet, but this is going to be a well used little investment, and extremely good value for money. (Something else I look for).

Now the weather is crap, sposed to be Spring, but I think winter is having one last Hurrah, so I will take my coffee, my kindle, maybe look for an actual book and head of to curl up under the doona.

Happy reading 🙂

Phone, iPad and kindle…
