Sweet Sunday Serenade

For something different. This little guy was so cool, just standing around on the lawn waiting for me to capture him.
End even with the zoom right out, and my unsteady hands, I still got him in focus.
Beautiful weather, perfect for a bike ride,
Have a great Sunday.

8 responses to “Sweet Sunday Serenade

  1. What a sweet little bird! Do you know what kind he is? I am just now getting into birding, and it’s quite fascinating. Wishing you many happy, sun-filled, bike-riding-worthy days!


    • They are sweet. I think it’s a kind of wren, they’re everywhere around here. And when you can capture it like this they look really good.
      Good luck with your bird watching, and yes, there will be plenty of bike riding days ahead.


  2. It I was a bird, that’d be me.


  3. It’s so beautiful when it seems they are posing for the camera 🙂
    Sweet photo~


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