Where I live

For any non Tasmanian readers (or those unlucky enough to have not been this far south, and any new readers who don’t know) this is the best picture to illustrate where I live.
The other side of Bruny Island (to the right hand side) is the Tasman Sea which stands between us and New Zealand.


And the view I have while on my verandah…which most of you have seen before.


Sunny days ahead πŸ™‚

10 responses to “Where I live

  1. Soooooo,,,when can I come for a vaca??? Since we r such besties now,,,lol!


    • Weeeelll, bestie, you tell me when your coming and I’ll see if I’m free… If its next week, I think I might be busy, but ask me later.
      Seriously, I’m open to visits from all my friends, especially if I get to meet any bloggy friends. πŸ™‚ and now I have several more reasons to visit Canada,


  2. We’ve been to Sydney and New Zealand. Now you’re making me want to go to Tasmania. We shall add it to our bucket list. πŸ™‚


    • That would be great to see you here. Tassie is such a lovely place, and although small, has so many places to visit and see. If yo ever make it here, drop me a line, I’m always up for visitors, especially bloggy friends πŸ™‚


  3. Definitely a Gorgeous view!


  4. That’s some viewl! I’ll be eager to learn more about your neck of the woods!


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