It’s been a week of….

This week has been one of those weeks. Full of everything and absolutely nothing at the same time. I’ve been busy around the house, we’ve visited friends, made an impromptu trip to the schools Arts Evening, picked up a motorcycle, I’ve got a market today to get ready forays working out what we are doing, want to do and need to do next week.
Then the school holidays start and, yep, once again, Hubby will be at work. That seems to be the tune this year, he’s at work during the kids’ holidays. Can’t be helped. And ill be working – around driving Mr 17 to and from work, or maybe the bus stop.

The school Arts Evening is a culmination of their work over the year to now. They have a gallery of pictures, and the bulk of their media and music work. Media shows included advertisements and school promos the kids make. Everything by the kids, and overseen by the teacher. The younger classes (the school is Kinder to Gr 10, 5yrs-15/16) do small performances based on a theme that has been chosen. This year was Carnivale, with poetry included from the older grades. There is also singing and music solos by older students.
The impromptu visit? The weather was crap and I’d decided not to go, mr 9 comes home and announces we have to leave by quarter to six. Why? What? He has been working on his class performance all week and somehow forgets to tell me he is involved. We weren’t happy, but can’t not go. Leaving the older at home – their choice – we head out and have a light dinner at the street food fair – BBQ and curries, cakes and drinks – before hand and meet a few friends. All this is fundraising for the year 9/10 for their end of year trip. I’m always happy to help out with these as one day, (next year) this will be for us.

Today’s fair is a small (if you call 30 stalls small) fundraiser for Alzheimer’s at Snug retirement village with demonstrations by the Zumba lady. MST things are packed ready, just a few last minute things. I’ll have the gazebo and be taking all my tables as well. Hopefully to will go well, the weather has turned from dreadful to just cloudy with lots of sunshine. My friend and I will be handing out flyers and talking to people about our market – I’ve just heard they’ve had a really good plug on the radio, so more fingers crossed, and more flyers printing.


Motor bikes…ahh. The speed, the freedom. It’s about as daredevil as I get. We have borrowed a friends bike this time. A Triumph triple 955i. Twice the size of my dads, and boy does it feel it. I went for a quick spin on it yesterday and everything about it is fast. The pick up especially. Let’s just say I was very happy the bag rack was on the back. What a rush!
In comparison. Its like riding a postie/moped after a push bike.
Never mind the colour, but there are only a couple of these in the state, so unforgettable.
We’re going to take it for a bit of a road trip this week and do an overnighter.


Have a great weekend
Jennifer 🙂

8 responses to “It’s been a week of….

  1. Hi, Jennifer — sorry I’ve been away so long. I love your bike! Sounds like all is well with you — which is great! As you are going into summer, we are sliding toward winter, but slowly, so we have time to adjust. I look forward to being back in touch.


  2. Seems like a very interesting week. I couldn’t help but chuckle when Mr. 9 suddenly sprung that on you!

    And the bike…beautiful!!!!!


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