Beads and Bags

I have been busy this last few weeks making and revamping some jewellery items… playing with a few different things.

I have also made a few mini bags – very funky things, from a book given to me several years ago.  Such cute little bags full of character 🙂

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Enjoy, and keep smiling 🙂

10 responses to “Beads and Bags

  1. Beautiful, as always. The little blue earrings are especially cute.


  2. Are those bags made of shirt sleeves? You are so clever!


    • Absoultely, shirt sleeves. I’m finding the jackets look much nicer so ill be sticking twiht those. Thanks, I have clever moments. It’s jsut what to use the rest of the coat for now…


  3. Yours is a great talent, Jennifer!


  4. The hounds-tooth makes are really nice bag. Beads are pretty good too….


  5. All beautiful, and I particularly love the new header! 😎


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