A Pork Chop story from blog to reality

A response to a question I asked of another blogger revealed his favourite food was pork chops which made me hungry, and to realise I haven’t had pork chops for way too long.

And so while at the supermarket I hunted some down.
Nice, fat, juicy chops.

The recipe followed called for mash and beans but I’m a sucker for pork and coleslaw…

And because I’m also a greedy guts, I ate both.

Sizzling nicely in a hot pan.


And the end result.



Hope that doesn’t make you too hungry, but inspires you to get into the kitchen and try it out.

9 responses to “A Pork Chop story from blog to reality

  1. As of this writing, I have an hour to go in my shift, Jen… you’re killing me with this! But thanks!


  2. Wow that does look good! I love that you called yourself that…


  3. Ooh that looks so good! It’s 8am here, and I could eat that right now! We have pork chops fairly regularly. One way I like them is to slice up an onion, and cut up a whole lemon, then you place the chops in a tub with the onion, squeeze lots of lemon juice, and throw all the cut up pieces of lemon in there too, lots of freshly ground black pepper, and leave it to marinate all day in the fridge, occasionally giving it a shake around. Add salt at the last minute and grill or fry it all together (well, remove the lemon pieces first!). The lemonyness goes right through the pork and the onions. Lovely served with garlic mash. Damn I’m hungry! I think I’ve only got crunchy nut cornflakes available to me right now though, that’s not going to cut it…


    • Oh yum! That sounds fabulous. I might have to try that next time. As for crunchy nut, hood, but you’re right, after thinking pork chops it really doesn’t hit the spot the same way.


  4. I haven’t had pork chops in too long also. I usually brush it with a little bit of hoisin sauce and pan fry. Yum.


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