And so they must climb… but no pictures please

What is it with boys?
It happens more now than when they were younger. Mine have grown into monkeys.
They have to climb everything they find that is remotely able to be climbed.
Cannons are especially popular.

We took a detour on our way home from the cinema yesterday as I wanted to get a few photos and help rid 4boys of some sugar-high energy. No sooner had we stopped they bounded out and bee-lined for the cannon. Damn, I wanted pics of that! No worries I took some of them clambering all over it.
But my older two have discovered my blog, or more to the point, that I have one (and find it quite funny for some reason) and I’m now not allowed to post any pictures of them. They want me to ask permission first which is fine, but their answers will mostly be ‘no’. Hmm.

They all have gorgeous smiles and infectious personalities and I want to show them off, but respect must work both ways. I shall share a picture of everyone’s back instead. The extra one is a friend.


Do you post pictures of your kids, or is that a line not to be crossed?
Is there an age limit?

Jennifer ๐Ÿ™‚

17 responses to “And so they must climb… but no pictures please

  1. It’s funny, but the professor is into climbing things too…
    If I were you, I’d post pictures anyway! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  2. My adult daughter and my husband have been okay with it, but I’m really careful to use flattering pictures and not do anything embarrassing.

    I’ve seen your pictures and there have not been anything wrong with them either. I don’t post many pictures of people. If I do, they’re either too far away to be recognized or their backs are to the camera. It’s just less hassle that way.

    I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. It’s just kids being kids.

    Saw your invitation to connect on Twitter but haven’t made it over there yet to check in and accept in.



  3. Up until very recently I did not post pictures of him. I didn’t even mention him by name, only as “the boy.” I received his permission to put a photo of him on my blog recently but I know that’s not a blanket permission. I need to ask him each time.
    Yes cannons are particularly climb worthy. ๐Ÿ™‚


    • I generally only use their age or position as identifying markers, and only use pictures as related to the topic, say a family outing. Mr 9, or the youngest, doesn’t seem to mind so much, but the other two are not so easy to appease, even though FB is covered with their pics, at least for Mr 16. Unless your readers know you personally then a name is only important to you, I get mine muddled often enough that their age just seems easier.

      We also have to think how they will feel about these pictures when grown adults. Not everyone will appreciate the reasons behind the publication. The main reason I don’t take pics of people, but scenery and stuff.


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