Postcard Update!!

I finally took my camera with me to the post office. I don’t normally do this, but last week a couple of postcards arrived (from Texas and Indiana) and lucky for me, two more arrived this morning from Oregon.  I did say I would share those that arrived and also share the blog from whence they came.

The two from Oregon are not from a blogger but a good friend of mine – the one that took these amazing pictures when she was visiting last year.

Now, I’ve had to do a little searching around my blogspere to find links for the other two. One came along via my sister’s blog and… wait there while I keep looking …..there it is, from the same comment thread on the orignal post.
The one from Texas cam from Alex while the second was from Zannyro



And check out this cool stamp! I’ve not seen a round stamp before, I think Australia needs one like this.  (excuse the blutac)


Have a great day and please share and send more postcards 🙂
(original post here) and I think a map of the world showing where you’ve all come from at some stage too.


7 responses to “Postcard Update!!

  1. Super idea- I have just posted a comment on the original post and posted myself


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